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en Operating the appliance101Operating the applianceOperating the applianceYou have already learnt about the controls and how they work. Now we wil
Microwave en11^MicrowaveMicrowaveYou can use the microwave to cook, heat up or defrost food quickly. You can use the microwave on its own or in comb
en Grilling12The cooking time counts down on the display.Notes When you switch on the appliance, the highest microwave output always appears in th
Grilling en13Cooking time elapsedAn audible signal sounds. The operation has finished. To stop the signal early: Touch the s field.Press the on/off
en Timer14OTimerTimerYou can use the timer as a kitchen timer. The timer runs alongside other settings. You can set it at any time, even if the dev
Programmes en15Information on the programmesPlace the food in the cold cooking compartment.Take the food out of its packaging and weigh it. If it is
en Programmes16Programme tableProgramme Suitable food Weight range in kg Cookware/accessories, shelf positionDefrostingBread* Bread, whole, round
Basic settings en17QBasic settingsBasic settingsThere are various settings available to you in order to help use your appliance effectively and simp
en Cleaning18DCleaningCleaningWith good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain its appearance and remain fully functioning for a long time t
Trouble shooting en193 Trouble shootingTrouble shootingIf a fault occurs, there is often a simple explanation. Before calling the after-sales servic
en Customer service204Customer serviceCustomer serviceOur after-sales service is there for you if your appliance needs to be repaired. We will alwa
Tested for you in our cooking studio en21JTested for you in our cooking studioTested for you in our cooking studioHere, you can find a selection
en Tested for you in our cooking studio22Defrosting, heating up or cooking frozen foodTake ready meals out of the packaging. They will heat up
Tested for you in our cooking studio en23Heating:WarningRisk of scalding!There is a possibility of delayed boiling when a liquid is heated. This
en Tested for you in our cooking studio24CookingNotes Food which lies flat will cook more quickly than food which is piled high. You should th
Tested for you in our cooking studio en25GrillingNotes All the values given are guidelines and can vary depending on the properties of your food
en Test dishes26ETest dishesTest dishesThe quality and performance of the appliances are tested by test institutes using the following dishes.In ac
26arIôÑàîªdG ¥ÉÑWC’GIôÑàîªdG ¥ÉÑWC’G E äÉÄ«g ᣰSGƒH á«Ø«XƒdG É¡JAÉØch ∞jhhô쫪dG Iõ¡LCG IOƒL QÉÑàNG ºJ.äÉÑLƒdG √òg ΩGóîà°SÉH ¢üëa DIN 44547 hCG IEC 6
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en3Table of contents[en]Instruction manual8 Intended use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4( Important safety information
23arÉæH ¢UÉîdG »¡£dG ƒjOƒà°S »a ÉgQÉÑàNG ºJ »àdG ¥ÉÑWC’Gø«î°ùàdG: ôjòëJ!äGAGƒàcÉH áHÉ°UE’G ô£N ºàj ¬fCG »æ©j Gògh .πFGƒ°ùdG ø«î°ùJ AÉæKCG ¿É«∏¨dG »a ô
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en Intended use48Intended useIntended useRead these instructions carefully. Only then will you be able to operate your appliance safely and correct
13arAGƒ°ûdG áMhôe 𫨰ûJ ôªà°ùj ób ,∂dP AÉæKCG RÉ¡édG ÜÉH íàØH âªb GPEGh.ójôÑàdGá«æeõdG IóªdG AÉ°†≤fG .á«Jƒ°U IQÉ°TEG Qó°üJ .𫨰ûàdG »¡àæjh :GôμÑe
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Important safety information en5:WarningRisk of electric shock! Incorrect repairs are dangerous. Repairs may only be carried out and damaged pow
3ar äÉjƒàëªdG ¢Sô¡a4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . äɪ«∏©à∏d ≥HÉ£ªdG ∫ɪ©à°S’G 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ᪡ªdG ¿
941201*9001026335* 9001026335Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbHCarl-Wery-Straße 3481739 MünchenGermanywww.bosch-home.com
en Causes of damage6:WarningRisk of scalding!There is a possibility of delayed boiling when a liquid is heated. This means that the liquid reaches
Getting to know your appliance en7*Getting to know your applianceGetting to know your applianceIn this chapter, we will explain the displays and
en Getting to know your appliance8Rotary selectorYou use the rotary selector to change the adjustment values shown in the display.In most selection
Accessories en9_AccessoriesAccessoriesYour appliance is accompanied by a range of accessories. Here, you can find an overview of the accessories inc
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