Bosch PS41 Specifications Page 3

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'/+</+<:<9>/->9<= A3>2 37:+->.<366381
Exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.
>996 Loss of control can cause personal injury.
96. :9A/< >996 ,C 38=?6+>/. 1<3::381
=?<0+-/= A2/8:/<09<7381 +8 9:/<+>398
A2/</>2/-?>>381+--/==9<C 7+C -98>+->
23../8A3<381Cutting accessory contacting a
"live" wire may make exposed metal parts of
the power tool "live" and could give the
operator an electric shock.
%=/-6+7:=9< +89>2/< :<+->3-+6 A+C>9
=/-?</ +8. =?::9<>>2/ A9<5:3/-/ >9+
=>+,6/:6+>09<7Holding the work by hand or
against your body leaves it unstable and may
lead to loss of control.
9 89> .<3660+=>/8 9< ,</+538>9 /B3=>381
A+66= 9<9>2/<,638. +</+=A2/<//6/-><3-+6
A3<381 7+C /B3=> If this situation is
unavoidable, disconnect all fuses or circuit
breakers feeding this worksite.
6A+C= A/+< =+0/>C 19116/= 9< /C/
%=/ >23-5 -?=2398/. 169@/= +8. 6373> >2/
/B:9=?</ >37/ ,C >+5381 0</;?/8> </=>
:/<39.=Vibration caused by hammer-drill
action may be harmful to your hands and
296. 3> 38 C9?< 2+8. 9< +-<9== C9?< 6/1=
Unstable support can cause loss of control
and injury.
@93. +--3./8>+6 =>+<>381 / =?</ >2/
09<A+<.</@/<=/ =A3>-2 3= 38 >2/ 900
:9=3>398 ,/09</ 38=/<>381 ,+>>/<C :+-5
Carrying appliances with your finger on the
,/09</ 7+5381+8C+.4?=>7/8>= -2+81381
+--/==9<3/= 9< =>9<381:9A/< >996=Such
reventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the power tool accidentally.
#>9</3.6/ :9A/< >996= 9?>90>2/</+-2 90
9:/<+>/ >2/:9A/<>996Power tools are
dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
9<,38.381 90 79@381 :+<>= ,</+5+1/ 90
:+<>= +8. +8C 9>2/<-98.3>398 >2+> 7+C
2+@/ >2/:9A/< >996 </:+3</. ,/09</ ?=/
Many accidents are caused by poorly
maintained power tools.
maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting
edges are less likely to bind and are easier to
%=/ >2/ :9A/< >996 +--/==9<3/= +8.>996
+8. >2/ A9<5 >9 ,/ :/<09<7/.Use of the
power tool for operations different from those
intended could result in a hazardous situation.
"/-2+<1/ 986C A3>2 >2/ -2+<1/<=:/-303/.
,C >2/ 7+8?0+->?</< A charger that is
suitable for one type of battery pack may
create a risk of fire when used with another
battery pack.
%=/ :9A/< >996= 986C A3>2 =:/-303-+66C
./=318+>/.,+>>/<C:+-5= Use of any other
battery packs may create a risk of injury and
'2/8 ,+>>/<C :+-5 3= 89> 38 ?=/ 5//: 3>
+A+C 0<97 9>2/< 7/>+6 9,4/->= 635/ :+:/<
-63:= -938= 5/C= 8+36= =-</A= 9< 9>2/<
=7+66 7/>+6 9,4/->= >2+> -+8 7+5/ +
-988/->398 0<97 98/ >/<738+6 >9 +89>2/<
Shorting the battery terminals together may
cause burns or a fire.
%8./< +,?=3@/ -98.3>398= 63;?3. 7+C ,/
/4/->/.0<97 >2/,+>>/<C+@93. -98>+->0
-98>+-> +--3./8>+66C 9--?<= 06?=2 A3>2
=//5 7/.3-+6 2/6: Liquid ejected from the
battery may cause irritation or burns.
</:+3< :/<=98 ?=381 986C 3./8>3-+6
</:6+-/7/8>:+<>=This will ensure that the
safety of the power tool is maintained.
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