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Edwards M. 6, 27, (108, 109, 130) — Emszt K. 63, 81, 101, 103, 182, 186, 196, 1!)7,
198, 404, (163, 164, 224, 228) — hg. Esterházy M. 62, 67.
Falkenberg 36, 37, (140) Fedorow 169, (218) Fialovszky L. 73 — Fleming 22,
(125) Foord 42,(146, 147) Forel 429 Földváry D. 283, (351) Fötterle
F. 373 — Franzenau Á. 80, 256, 259, 261, 433, (323, 327, 329) Frech F. 1, 41,
197, (103, 144) Fuchs T. 375.
Gaál J. 197 Gadolin 169, (218) Gaudry A. 372, (438) Geikie A. 427, (480)
Geinitz 380 Geoffroy 377 Gerland G. 430 Gesell S. 9, 15, 26, 27, 80,
197,427, (U l, 112, 117, 129) Giebel 380 Goldluss 6, (108, 109) Gorjano-
vic-Krainberger K. 65, 197, 241, 302, 303, 304, (307, 368, 369) Göndör G. 197
Grexa J. 80 Gróth P. 166, (215) Gugenhan M., (480) Güll V. 189, 197,
198, 305, (231, 370) — Gümbel C. 297, 374 Grffy J. 295, (366).
Haidinger V. 177, 373 Haime 6, 27, (108, 109, 130) Hajnóczy K. J. 198 —
Halaváts Gy. 1, 198, 208, 209, 256, 305, 418, 419, 420, 422, (103, 323, 370, 472,
473, 476) Hantken M. 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 378, 388, (155, 156, 159, 161,
1621 Hantken E. 52, 54, (156, 158, 438) — Harpe Ph. 375 — Hauer F. 9, 34,
177, 179, 373, (111, 137) Haug 58, (162) — Hebert E. 372 — Herbich 211
Hessel F. C. 169, (218) Heim A. 297 Herepei K. 432, 434 - Hilber 277,
278, (345, 346) van Hise C. K. 297, (368) Hochstetter F. 373 Hofmann
K. 49, 205, 432, (153) Hopp F. 207 — Horusitzky H. 65, 80, 198, 306, 4}8,
(370, 472) — Hoyer 51, (155) Hörnes M. 275, 277, 373, 374, 386, (344, 345)
Hörnes 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, (338, 339, 340, 342, 343) Humboldt S. 18t.
Illés V. 26, 189, (129, 231) Ilosvay L. 69, 80 Inkey B. 166, 208, 418, 419,
(214) — John C. 198, 200, (471, 472).
Kadic O. (j5, 198, 304, 305, (369, 370) Kalecsinszky. S. 63, 70, 80, 81, 101. 102,
103, 191, 197, 19f*, (163, 164, 234) Kant 380 Katzer F. 199 — Iieferstein
387 Kerner F. 199 Kiss A. 9, (111) Kiss Y. M. 199 Kispatic M.
199 Kitti E. 39, 40, 41, 42, (142, 143, 144, 146) Klatsch 244, 253, (310,
320) Koch A. 1, 9, 14, 25, 2S, 51, 61, 70, 73, 74, 80, 199, 206, 208, 265, 283,
420, 430, 431, 432, 433, (104, 111, 117, 127, 131, 155, 332, 351, 473) Koch M. 34,
(137) Köninck G. L. 9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 23, 32, 38, 44, 45, (111, 116, 117,
120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 131, 135, 141, 148) — Koken E. 23, (126) Koenen 41,
(146) — Kormos T. 65, 199, 200, 207, 299, (366) Ivosmat F. 41, 198, 200, 205,
(144, 239) Kövesligethy B. 63, 81, 100, 101, 424, 426, 428, 433, (163, 477, 479,
480) — Kraemer 244, (310) Krenner J. ü. 67, 80, 166, 167, 199,(214, 210)
Kunth A. 7, (109) — Kunz A. 67 — Kükenthal 21, (124).
Lackner A. 65, 283, 305, (352, 370) — Lamarck 377 Laplace 380 Lapparent
A. 428, 430 Laube 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, (329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334,
335) László G. 200, 306, (370) Lee 25 (12N) Lehmann J. 29" Leith
C. K. 297 Lenique M. H. 200 — Leonhard C. 372 Leopold A. 200 Lep-
sius K. 297 Leuchtenberg 383 Liffa Au. 189, 200, 433, (231) - Linck G.
183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189. 190, 193. 194, 289, 290, 291, 405, 40G, 407, 408,
410, (226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238, 259, 360, 361, 362, 456,458,
459, 460, 462, 463) Lincoln A. T. 297 — Lindgren 406, 407, (458, 459, 460) —
Lóczy L. 1, 10, 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 71, 72, 80, 167, 175, 206, 209, 263, 265,
419, 430, 431, (104, 112, 216, 330, 332, 333, 472) - Lömmel 372 Loriol 1>.
376 Lőrenthey I. 9, 14, 25, 28, 65, 80, 207, 208, 209, 210, 256, 258, 262, 270,
276, 279, 280, 283, 371,430,432,(111, 117, 127, 131, 323, 325, 329, 338, 344, 348,
351, 435) Löwl F. 427, (480) Lyell 377.
Maderspach L. 200 Magnac A. 169, (218i Mauritz B. 65, 200 — Mauzelius
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